Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Fair weather buddies?

Those of you who know me, know that I don't do rain, so the recent change in the weather has seriously tested my commitment to the training schedule. However, I've been out there on my bike again to get the old ticker pumping and the calf muscles working hard. I've noticed that it's getting slightly easier to cover the distance so my fitness is improving and my attitude remains positive. The race is only 5 weeks on Sunday- the count down is on.

My current obsession is checking out the donations on my website:

and in order to be fair- Julie's:

This has been a new and interesting experience for me. At first I set my target at £150 which I thought would be a reasonable amount to hope for. However, as the emails went out the donations started to come in and very quickly my target was met. I incrementally increased it, trying to find a balance between still having something to aim for and being realistic about my expectations of those in my email address book.

It's weird how you have an internal set of expectations regarding who will sponsor you. If we're all honest we have a set of family, friends and acquaintances who we expect to come up trumps regardless- and the majority of them have- thank you, you know who you are. (hint: visit the site to see their messages). The question is- what about those who you have expectations of but they don't deliver? I know that we are seemingly constantly asked to dig deep and give and that can become annoying and some people need to wait until payday, but does a lack of sponsorship equate to a lack of support, friendship or interest?

Talking of fair weather buddies- spoke to Julie on the phone this evening regarding our next training session and we've set it for tommorrow when hopefully the sun will shine. We chatted for a while about our day's and a general catch up when she asked me why I sounded so happy. Perhaps it was because I'd spent the day with people who were doing things that were outside of their comfort zone and they did brilliantly. I didn't expect them to sponsor me, and they came up trumps!! Thanks ladies of WCC- you know who you are. (Jill, Debbie, Sharon, Carol, Tricia and Karen)


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