OK, OK, so I haven't had chance to blog for a few days, its not a crime is it? Jeez.
The Race for Life is creeping nearer, two weeks on Sunday and it feels good to be looking forward to it rather than dreading it. We've not been great with the training, but we've not been bad either, so I guess they just cancel each other out and we've been OK. Went for a walk with Julie around Coate Water one day this week and we managed to talk the whole way round which was good for our fitness and good for our friendship.
This has been one of the real bonus's of this training- getting time to just be together with no other distractions and having the time to chat mindlessly and to chat specifically about things that are happening in our lives. We've talked about keeping up the training after the race (Julie even mentioned something about the 5 peaks climb this week- my guess is that the pharmacist muddled up her HRT with someone else's medication) and I think that we should definitely keep getting out there and keeping active.
My friend Dave had his kidney removed on Friday and hopefully the damn cancer with it as well. It was a major operation and took about 6 hours. The surgeons told Dave and Maria that they appeared to have caught it early- thanks to Maria's insistence that Dave see the Doc for an unrelated pain, hence the investigation- and that normally the cancer grows 'fingers' which reach out to join themselves to any obliging nearby organs. Because they have removed it now this hasn't happened which is a hugely positive thing to happen.
The Doctors gave some great advice to Dave- "listen to your wife" which I can only say is a very sensible thing for Dave to do for the rest of his (long) life. Thanks to Maria, and the medical services the prognosis should be a very positive one. Reminds me that the money that is being raised by the Race for Life also contributes to this too. My site has recently adopted a funny glitch- every time someone sponsors me they get an automated email from me via the site thanking them. However, it currently thanks them from Gerald Deacon who is my lovely Dad! I did call the help centre at Race for Life to enquire what had occurred and how to remedy it, but alas there is no remedy, and in fact it has happened to other Race for Lifer's too. I think that when I logged in using my name and log in and my Dad's bank card so that he could sponsor my son's girlfriend (c'mon keep up) the system decided that I was undergoing a name change. My page (http://www.raceforlifesponsorme.org/uberfast) now tells you that Gerald Deacon is the page creator- hence the only man completing the all female race.............I'm all for diversity and equal opportunities, and keeping it in the family.
Dave remains in hospital and is still quite ill, but lets hope that as each day goes by he gets stronger and more able to wave goodbye to his devilled kidney. In tribute to the success of Dave's operation Steve and I cracked open a very special bottle of Silver Select Jack Daniels on Friday evening and drank a toast to him. Maria sent us a text message from Dave saying that this was out of order as we were meant to be saving it to drink with him............. Maria did say that the morphine was making Dave talk rubbish...................................................
Cheers Dave, there's plenty left in the bottle, might go well with steak and kidney pie?
XX to your good health
((HUG)) for Maria too
Dave is looking forward to sharing a drink with you and Steve and Jack Daniels. He's really looking forward to testing his remaining kidney to see if it can manage the extra workload! he's up but not upright and moving but not speedily. He's getting stronger every day and his sense of humour is largely unaffected by the anaesthetic.
P.S. Steak and Kidney pie is a bit cruel - he loves pies. We've never eaten kidney in our house on principle.
Silver label JD? Reid and Henry will be so jealous! Keep up the good work ladies ... training and blogging ... giving us many laughs in Alabama. Henry's exercise schedule has also improved. He now walks up the hill to the top of the street and runs like a maniac back down. I'm betting at this point, you ladies could out run him.
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