Well, it seems that Julie and I have arrived at that sought after blogger status- being read across the world. We are being read from Leicester to Moscow (thanks Lucy- http://lucylastic.wordpress.com/- do read it, its great) to Alabama. Not bad for our first attempt at public writing. The BBC World Service definitely has competition and we aren't bound by political handcuffs either! Thanks for all your comments- we love them.
Julie has been over doing it- as you've no doubt read she is not only a yummy mummy, but an excellent housewife, growing her own vegetables and recycling her teabags. However, possibly the remark she made about her bowel movements in her last blog has had some sort of effect or she's been cleaning again and now has a bad back. Take care Julie- collapse on the sofa and let P look after you. P can even clean the floor if she follows the picture and does it exactly like this.........................photographic evidence please.
Am going to attempt to do some exercise this weekend, hopefully the weather will be kinder than last weekend and the world will seem a better place. One thing that I need to remember is to stretch before I start to walk/strutt as this always seems like a good idea. I arrive at the destination, think about it, say hi to Julie or chat with Steve, start walking or cycling and then think "rats, I should have....................................stretched!!! ARGHHHHH"- anyone got any good suggestions for helping me remember to do this?
I am also thinking about asking SurrAlun Tate & Lyle to get his last remaining (pitiful) Apprentice hopefuls to help Julie and I raise our fundraising profile during this final two weeks before the race. For those of you following this fascinating, yet depressing saga (The Apprentice I mean, not our blog) can you just imagine Katie and Tre thinking up ways to gather in those last remaining sponsors?
Until I return dear friends................................once more to Coate Water
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