My family and I have decided to put our house on the market and up-route to hopefully some lovely location with a bit more space inside and out than we currently have.
We bought our home just over 4 years ago and have gutted it, replacing the bathroom and kitchen, re-plastering the walls, refitting windows, landscaping the gardens and redecorating throughout. We are, justly in our eyes, very proud of our achievements so imagine our disappointment when reading the less than mediocre estate agent details that were produced in order to sell our property. I can’t quite remember the exact wording but it read something like this:
Another Chalet House for Sale in Nythe:
2 bed semi, presented in alright sort of order. Nothing special and quite frankly a little overpriced for what it is. Property consists of:
Entrance Hall
Leading to:
Tired looking lounge comprising radiator and scratched floorboards where once vanish lay. Large picture window and photographic shrine to the “only” child
Range of base and eye level units in beech, drawers to match (thank goodness), stainless steel sink, integral appliances, oil splashes and ketchup stained white walls and rancid smell of fish throughout. French doors to garden.
Stairs leading to:
Bedroom 1
Radiator and full length mirror wardrobe doors with view from bed (what do these people get up to!!)
Bedroom 2
Radiator; that’s it!
Family Bathroom
Cramped bathroom with white suite refitted in Italian style, or so they reckon. Larger than average bath to accommodate the larger than average current owners.
I am sure you get the idea!! Couple this with a dozen factual errors on room sizes, our driveway, kitchen and study and I can’t help but think that our particular estate agent is feeling rather disillusioned with his chosen field of work. I have obviously rewritten it for our poor chap so that it now sounds more appealing and will be deducting it from the final bill when we eventually sell. I think that’s only fair, don’t you?
They say that buying and selling houses can be quite stressful and to avoid the mad rush to pack at the last minute I have been trying to sort through cupboards and the like on those few occasions when my 25 month old boy is otherwise occupied. Last week, absorbed in chucking out my chintz, it was a while before I realised that Sun was being rather quiet!!!!! As I listened more closely I could hear a rustling of my sports bag which contains our swimming kit and my headphones and water bottle for the gym. Sun is rather keen on my water bottle and I thought that was what he was after. Imagine my surprise then to see Sun stark naked wearing nothing but a pair of swimming goggles!!!! Ah Bless!!!! Once I had finished laughing, I gave him a big cuddle and told him how clever he was for being able to take all his clothes and nappy off without any help from Mummy. I hope for more little amusing interludes from Sun to put moving stresses and in fact life into perspective!!
On another note, my back is on the mend and training is going ok. My flat feet and clicking Achilles are holding out (see My Achilles heel may well be my Achilles heel). My new trainers are still looking quite pristine which probably indicates that either I’m very light footed or haven’t done enough training (I know which I would rather believe!! ), but as they are the pair that my physiotherapist advised me not to wear, I am considering selling them and putting the money towards a proper pair. So in the style of my disenchanted estate agent:
For Sale:
One pair of crap trainers. Superb little runners. Excellent condition. Blue with silver go-faster-stripes and light smearing of dog poo on left nearside. Low mileage. One careful lazy owner.
Offers invited.
Let me know if you are interested!!
Til next time.
Julie ;0)
We bought our home just over 4 years ago and have gutted it, replacing the bathroom and kitchen, re-plastering the walls, refitting windows, landscaping the gardens and redecorating throughout. We are, justly in our eyes, very proud of our achievements so imagine our disappointment when reading the less than mediocre estate agent details that were produced in order to sell our property. I can’t quite remember the exact wording but it read something like this:
Another Chalet House for Sale in Nythe:
2 bed semi, presented in alright sort of order. Nothing special and quite frankly a little overpriced for what it is. Property consists of:
Entrance Hall
Leading to:
Tired looking lounge comprising radiator and scratched floorboards where once vanish lay. Large picture window and photographic shrine to the “only” child
Range of base and eye level units in beech, drawers to match (thank goodness), stainless steel sink, integral appliances, oil splashes and ketchup stained white walls and rancid smell of fish throughout. French doors to garden.
Stairs leading to:
Bedroom 1
Radiator and full length mirror wardrobe doors with view from bed (what do these people get up to!!)
Bedroom 2
Radiator; that’s it!
Family Bathroom
Cramped bathroom with white suite refitted in Italian style, or so they reckon. Larger than average bath to accommodate the larger than average current owners.
I am sure you get the idea!! Couple this with a dozen factual errors on room sizes, our driveway, kitchen and study and I can’t help but think that our particular estate agent is feeling rather disillusioned with his chosen field of work. I have obviously rewritten it for our poor chap so that it now sounds more appealing and will be deducting it from the final bill when we eventually sell. I think that’s only fair, don’t you?
They say that buying and selling houses can be quite stressful and to avoid the mad rush to pack at the last minute I have been trying to sort through cupboards and the like on those few occasions when my 25 month old boy is otherwise occupied. Last week, absorbed in chucking out my chintz, it was a while before I realised that Sun was being rather quiet!!!!! As I listened more closely I could hear a rustling of my sports bag which contains our swimming kit and my headphones and water bottle for the gym. Sun is rather keen on my water bottle and I thought that was what he was after. Imagine my surprise then to see Sun stark naked wearing nothing but a pair of swimming goggles!!!! Ah Bless!!!! Once I had finished laughing, I gave him a big cuddle and told him how clever he was for being able to take all his clothes and nappy off without any help from Mummy. I hope for more little amusing interludes from Sun to put moving stresses and in fact life into perspective!!
On another note, my back is on the mend and training is going ok. My flat feet and clicking Achilles are holding out (see My Achilles heel may well be my Achilles heel). My new trainers are still looking quite pristine which probably indicates that either I’m very light footed or haven’t done enough training (I know which I would rather believe!! ), but as they are the pair that my physiotherapist advised me not to wear, I am considering selling them and putting the money towards a proper pair. So in the style of my disenchanted estate agent:
For Sale:
One pair of crap trainers. Superb little runners. Excellent condition. Blue with silver go-faster-stripes and light smearing of dog poo on left nearside. Low mileage. One careful lazy owner.
Offers invited.
Let me know if you are interested!!
Til next time.
Julie ;0)
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