Monday 21 May 2007

Gentlemen....we can rebuild her!!!

P: “Look at Mummy, Sun; she looks like the bionic woman!! You are too young to know about her but she was a bit like that man who ran this year’s marathon in slow motion!! That’s right, that’s what Mummy’s doing!!”

Call me old fashioned, but does that sound like encouragement to you? There I was jogging in the pouring rain feeling quite smug with myself as I had increased my running time to 3 minutes before I had to walk and then that comment hit me from my blind side, knocking me and my fragile confidence sideways.
Undeterred however and as if to show P and Sun what Mummy is really made of, I sprinted the last 100 metres up my street and to my front door. For more dramatic effect (and for the benefit of any neighbours who may have been watching), I doubled over, grasped my knees with my hands, put a grimace on my face, squinted my eyes and heaved my entire body in an effort to fill it to capacity with much needed oxygen.

P: “Well Done. You have shaved 2 minutes off your previous time. Carry on like that and this time next year you will be ready to actually run the race!!!!!!!!”

I however remain optimistic, even if I do run look like Im running in slow motion!!!!

At this point in the blog, I thought I would say something amusing about the state of my wet hair, but Rosemary has already commented on the same subject (see Hurdles Overcome) so in order to be original I am not going to mention it, suffice to say, it was plastered down with a middle parting and needed only a hair grip on either side to take me back to my greasy-haired, shy, spotty, childhood days!!!!
Which leads me to conclude, that I shouldn’t bother with expensive face creams to take the years off…….a run in the rain is free and turns back the clock by 30 years!!!!

Adios Amigos


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